Over the last one decade we have built a reputation for offering the latest security equipment for demanding surveillance operation. We provide more than 1000 pieces of specialised spy gear, which are used by security professionals ,governments ,the everyday consumer and major corporations . At spymaster, we have spent about 10 years building our relationship with the very best in their respective fields to allow us to offer our clients the very best equipment to best suit their purpose.View some of our products below .We also offer a bespoke service should your requirement not be able to be met by something “off the shelf”.
Most products we supply are not illustrated as to do so may degrade their operational effectiveness. For full details of our range and for confidential and professional advice you are welcome to contact us at enquiries.spymaster@concentriccirclesng.com
Office Telephone
LAGOS OFFICE: 5 Adenubi Close,Ikeja Lagos, Nigeria.
ABUJA OFFICE: Suite 204 C, Hebron Plaza, Plot 1090, Shehu Kangiwa Close, Gudu District, Abuja
JOS OFFICE: 38 Glory Plaza, Zarmaganda/Rayfield Road, Plateau State.
Twitter= @SpymasterN
instagram = spymasterng
It is no longer news around the world that crime and criminality is on the […]